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Crops PillowImage on a give point with a definable crop size

__init__(self, image_topic_name, pointer_topic_names, crop_size=200, image_key='image', point_key='point') special

Initialize the Processor


Name Type Description Default

image topic names to be handled


pointer topic names to be handled

crop_size int

size of the crop AOI

image_key str

should always be "image" because it's the default for transferring images

point_key str

key of the point in the signal

Source code in multisensor_pipeline/modules/image/
def __init__(self, image_topic_name, pointer_topic_names, crop_size: int = 200, image_key: str = "image",
             point_key: str = "point"):
    Initialize the Processor
       image_topic_name: image topic names to be handled
       pointer_topic_names: pointer topic names to be handled
       crop_size: size of the crop AOI
       image_key: should always be "image" because it's the default for transferring images
       point_key: key of the point in the signal
    super(CropByPointerProcessor, self).__init__()
    self.crop_size = crop_size
    self._image = None

    # set topic names to be handled and dict keys to access the correct data fields
    # TODO: if a names are set to None, consider all topics that include the correct key
    self._image_topic_name = image_topic_name
    self._image_key = image_key  # should always be "image" because it's the default for transferring images
    self._crop_signal_topic_names = pointer_topic_names
    self._crop_signal_key = point_key

crop(image, point, crop_size) staticmethod

Crops the PillowImage

Source code in multisensor_pipeline/modules/image/
def crop(image: Image, point, crop_size: int):
        Crops the PillowImage
    if image is None:
        return None
    w, h = image.size
    # pos = scale_to_image_coordinate(point, w, h, flip_y=False)
    rect = roi_rect(width=w, height=h, center_x=point[0], center_y=point[1], size=crop_size)
    if rect is None:
        return None
    return image.crop(rect)

on_update(self, frame)

Custom update routine.

Source code in multisensor_pipeline/modules/image/
def on_update(self, frame: MSPDataFrame) -> Optional[MSPDataFrame]:
    # update internal temporary fields
    if == self._image_topic_name:
        img = frame[self._image_key]
        self._image = img
    elif any([ == t for t in self._crop_signal_topic_names]):
        # for each crop signal -> crop image patch and notify observers
        point = frame[self._crop_signal_key]
        img_patch = self.crop(self._image, point, self.crop_size)
        if img_patch is None:
            return None

        return MSPDataFrame(topic=self._generate_topic(name=f"{self._image_topic_name}.cropped"),
                            timestamp=frame.timestamp, image=img_patch, base_topic=frame.topic,